Mystical Empowerment vs. Drugs and Psychedelics at LightChild
- As spiritual seekers, we crave liberation from mundane reality in the mystical desert of modern society.
- As spiritual seekers, we experience a great deal of pain in a world of insensitivity.
- As spiritual seekers, some of us have found that drugs and psychedelics offer us liberation into higher plans of awareness.
- As spiritual seekers, some of us have found that drugs and psychedelics offer us respite from our painful sensitivity.
- Mysticism offers a superior alternative to that which we derive from drugs and psychedelics.
- Until we have experienced the power of mysticism, it’s natural that some of us will explore and rely on drugs and psychedelics.
- In yoga, we seek mystical empowerment from teachers, our own immense innate spiritual power, and the grace of god, rather than external substances.
- Mysticism puts us in command so that we don’t need to rely on drugs and psychedelics.
- Mysticism provides us with a fully integrated augmentation of our consciousness, one that is holistic, sustainable, stable, and limitlessly expandable.
- Mysticism has the potential to take us far further than any drug or psychedelic, as there’s no limit to our potential as beings of mystical empowerment.
- Mysticism has no biological side effects, or psychological dangers, as do drugs and psychedelics.
- We acknowledge that it is possible that the path of drugs and psychedelics be done in a way that is effective and respectable.
- We understand and are without judgment of any spiritual seeker who has explored the path of drugs and psychedelics.
- We simply suggest, promote, and offer support and empowerment in what we feel is the far superior path of pure mysticism.
- At LightChild, we are committed to becoming beings who are mystically empowered and independent of the need to use drugs and psychedelics.
- As someone who’s interested in joining and building our Bhakti Mystic Community, you’re either ready to leave drugs and psychedelics behind, or ready to explore Mysticism as an alternative path.
- As someone in the community, you acknowledge that your long-term participation would include ultimately choosing Mysticism as your sole means of spiritual evolution, and leaving behind drugs and psychedelics.
- As someone in the community, you’re ready to make this determination within the first six months of your participation and exploration of mysticism.
- We respect Plant Teachers, shamanism, and those who choose to make drugs and psychedelics a part of their spiritual path, but we know that we are not this, that at LightChild we seek the path of pure mystical empowerment and a spiritual practice that is holistically integrated and independent of the need of any substance whatsoever.
- If you’re unsure, that is totally reasonable and natural until you experience for yourself the power of mysticism.
- We encourage you to Experience Rapture, explore mystical empowerment, and see if you want to embrace Mysticism as your preferred alternative to drugs and psychedelics for your spiritual evolution.
With Love,
Adam Wes, The LightChild Guru