Light Child
The Bhakti Mystic Community
Take your spiritual evolution to the next level as a student of The LightChild Guru and member of The LightChild Community.
LightChild is a Spiritual Home for Bhakti Mystics. We help you find your way back to the love you knew as a child and grow from there. We help you become Enlightened through Love.
Bhakti Mysticism is the Yoga of Love and Light, where you embody love so completely that it manifests as visible light. Bhakti Mysticism is a combination of Bhakti Yoga and Mysticism distilled and adapted for our futuristic society.
Have real heart-centered mystical experiences and everything you need for your Bhakti Mystic spiritual lifestyle.
Light Child
The Bhakti Mystic Community
Take your spiritual evolution to the next level as a student of The LightChild Guru and member of The LightChild Community.
LightChild is a Spiritual Home for Bhakti Mystics. We help you find your way back to the love you knew as a child and grow from there. We help you become Enlightened through Love.
Bhakti Mysticism is the Yoga of Love and Light, where you embody love so completely that it manifests as visible light. Bhakti Mysticism is a combination of Bhakti Yoga and Mysticism distilled and adapted for our futuristic society.
Have real heart-centered mystical experiences and everything you need for your Bhakti Mystic spiritual lifestyle.
Embody Divine Love
Be Truly Loving
Radiate with Divine Light
Know the Wisdom of Truth
Thrive in the World
Love and Be Loved in a Spiritual Community
This is how we embody divine love, which is all we have ever really wanted.
Our Principles
As yoginis and yogis we’re devoted to the principles of kindness, positivity, gentleness, gratitude, mindfulness, independence, and sincerity. These are the principles that lay the foundation for our community and spiritual evolution. Read More
Our Purpose
It’s our Purpose to Inspire Love and Spirituality in the World.
Our Directive
We’re growing a Los Angeles LightChild Community of hundreds of devoted members and eventually a LightChild Community in every major city around the world. Read More
Our Inspiration
We’re inspired by a community where we get to be absorbed in that enlightened feeling, study enlightenment, and devote ourselves completely to enlightenment with a reliable and effective way to become enlightened through love. Read More
Featured Event
The LightChild Program and Events
At LightChild we do everything with sincerity, honor, sacredness, abundance, elegance, sophistication, purity, playfulness, and fun!
Free Sermon
God-Realization Program
Divine Dinner
Kula Sabbatical
Parable Night
Cosmic Gala
Starlight Celebration
Student Testimonials

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.” Elon Musk

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.” Richard

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.” Steve Jobs

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.” Eckhart Tolle
What is love?
To love is to be completely fulfilled as the eternal awareness of what you are flowering through time.
It is to know that what you are is the eternal and formless awareness of change, and the unchanging inspiration for change. It is to come to the end, to be complete in your existence, to move beyond agency having apprehended the finality of what you are as a formless awareness and unchanging principle. It is to submit to this knowledge and become an expression of complete and utter integrity. It is to liberate yourself into the destiny of God‘s will, which is the complete fulfillment of the expression of your true heart evolving through space and time. It is to behold this truth from moment to moment and realize that you yourself are an expression of God. And ultimately, it is to see that you are the One Cosmic Self, and that the Manifest Universe is the One Cosmic Body. This is union. This is Yoga.
This knowledge leads to the expressions of love. To live as an embodiment of divine love is to possess the faculty of empathy, which is a natural expression of the truth that there is only one Self. It is to know this not superficially as an intellectual ideal, but to know it by becoming it through a transformation of consciousness in which it is a self-evident truth. It is to notice from moment to moment, not through the accumulation of information as a conditioned mind, but as a mind that is empty and capable of perceiving truth directly, uneclipsed by the sense of self.
And what could be more important than this? It seems to me that the very first thing, the one thing that is most urgent in the world and in each of our lives, is to realize within ourselves this love.
Then every action is taken with clarity of purpose. Then every action is in alignment with the true wish of our hearts. And it is only when we know ourselves as this love, and embody this love, that there will be peace and harmony in our relationships and the world, and real happiness in each of our lives.
It is my mission to Embody Divine Love and create an effective and reliable way for others to also Embody Divine Love.